Alaska's oil tax debate fires up
One day left to take this survey: Do you support a sales tax for Alaska?
Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
Quannah Chasinghorse, Alaska’s indigenous international model and climate change activist, dressed in what appears to be petroleum-based attire at the Met Gala, a “Super Bowl of Fashion.” Chasinghorse is Hän Gwich'in and Oglala Lakota, and has used her notoriety to advocate for locking up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and to convince American financial institutions to not invest in energy projects in the Arctic.
(But oooh-la-la, those latex gloves by erotic-attire-maker Vex Clothing, the fetish clothing company.) … Photo by Getty @ MetGala.
Assemblymen favor of discrimination against girls in sports
Anchorage’s leading assemblymen wrote to the school activities association that it had better let trans athletes compete against girls or it will be in court over the issue. These Anchorage boys mean business when they say they don’t want girls to have their own leagues.
Throw in the towel: School activities association takes a pass on trans sports
For now, the trans question is unsettled. ASAA says it is really up to the Department of Education, not the nonprofit association, to decide if boys can play as girls in girls’ leagues.
Senate Finance hears how SB 114 would drive investment from state
Oil association asks senators why they would want to dry up the oil fields by taxing them so high.
Goldilocks PFD: Senate’s bowl is a ‘cold’ $1,300
It’s the annual dilemma — too hot, too cold, just statutorily right. The Senate wants the government to have most of the available PFD money. House and governor have two other ideas.
Ketchikan man pleads guilty to child porn distribution
He was distributing it through a “Kik”social media app popular with teens. But who is he?
Alaska Airlines will allow male flight attendants to wear skirts and beards
Yes, men are women and women are men at the airline with a man on the tail. Times and uniforms, they are a changin’.
Way-back machine: Woman booted from flight for mask offense
It’s been just two years since a “F—- your feelings” Trump mask got a woman deplaned.
Alaska State Troopers start wearing body cams
A $3.6 million state grant and $1 million from the feds brings technology to help Troopers prove who did what to whom. See where body cams will be deployed first.
Murkowski introduces code of conduct bill for Supreme Court
This has all the markings of Democrat and abortion-loving lawmakers trying to get back at the pro-life Supremes.
One day left for Question of the Week: Do you support a state sales tax?
Government’s top doctor says loneliness is killing us
Surgeon General Murthy has a new epidemic for government to cure: Loneliness. He avoids talking about God altogether.
MRAK Book Club: Secular Surge
“Secular Surge, A New Fault Line in American Politics” is about a growing group of Americans who have no religious views or anti-religious view and secular values and who have become one of the biggest political forces, organizing around climate change, environmental protection, immigration, and social justice, and emerging as a large bloc of the Democratic Party.
“Secularism is at the very heart of the battles for the soul of the Democratic Party,” write the authors. It creates tensions between white liberals and spiritually attuned minorities, while fueling polarization between Democrats and Republicans.
We found the book at
Comment of the day
Jim Collman at Must Read Alaska: “So being lonely is an epidemic, does that make it contagious? If loneliness is contagious, do we isolate?”
Thanks from the bottom of my heart to everyone who subscribes to Must Read Alaska. Help spread share the news that balances the left-stream media.
This day in history
May 3, 1961, U.S. federal minimum wage was raised to $1.25 per hour.
Tim Barto: Time to draw the line for fairness for girls
The nonsense has to stop or this will be the end of female competitive sports.
Op-Ed: Alaska’s future is bright, if we don’t mess up
We’ve had stable taxes for an entire decade. If we start fooling around with oil taxes pulleys and levers again, it could go very badly, says Jim Jansen and Joe Schierhorn.
Jim Minnery: Politics is weird, but Alaska’s gender politics is at a whole new level
Recently, HB 99, a bill to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the State’s anti-discrimination list, made it out of two House Committees with help from Republicans Justin Ruffridge from Soldotna and Jesse Sumner from Wasilla. Interestingly, those are the two most conservative leaning areas of the state.
Win Gruening: Dick Knapp, RIP
On Jan. 2, 2023, Admiral Richard J. Knapp, 93, crossed the bar in Haines, Alaska. Our nation and, as Win writes, our state lost a loyal servant and a true patriot.
Downing: Republicans in Congress vote to end solar panel carve out for communists
Mary Peltola is a nay vote, sticking with the pro-slavery policy of the Democrats.
Rick Whitbeck: Senate Bill 114 is reactionary, anti-energy, and anti-Alaska economy
Same song, different day. Alaska’s legislators are about to overhaul the state’s oil tax laws based on the worst government policy known to man: the need for more spending money.
Jay McDonald: Anchorage School District is marred by culture of secrecy
There is a controversy stirring around Robert Service High School, but parents eager to make sense of what their children are telling them have been left with more questions than answers by the slow and tight-lipped Anchorage School District.
Art Chance: Alaska at brink of helter-skelter
Economy, utopian greenies, government workers — it’s looking like a royal collapse.
Linda Boyle: The Covid cult continues
In some schools in America, they are still masking children at school, harming these kids three years after the pandemic was declared, possibly irreparably.
Rick Whitbeck: If Chugach Electric board goes woke, we go broke
There are three candidates being pushed by the Alaska Center for the Environment. Conservatives need to know they intend to shut off the gas.
Alaska oil: $78.99
Henry Hub gas: $2.32
Alaska North Slope Production: 495,484
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $77,088,600,000
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