Salmon in Arctic Ocean? How cool is that
Fall is in the air, chums are spawning in the Anaktuvuk River
Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
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Whatever your day holds for you … Be a force for good …
Researchers at UAF find salmon spawning in Arctic Ocean watershed
They’re chum salmon, but they are way out of their normal range. The findings are fascinating.
Palmer election results
Conservatives lost one seat.
Josiah Patkotak is presumed winner for North Slope Borough mayor
He will be giving up his House seat to be the head of the state’s wealthiest government — the North Slope Borough. He already has many friends in Juneau and can pick up the phone and get lawmakers to take his call any time. Power move.
Interior Department top deputy Tommy Beaudeau steps down
Just a few days ago, environmentalists pounded him in a public forum for signing the Willow permits. Now, they are taking his scalp.
Downing: Will the last sane person at Dept. of Interior please turn out the lights
The goal seems to be to destroy America, and maybe Tommy Beaudreau had seen enough. He was the one who signed off on the Willow Project — not Deb Haaland — so maybe he’s being thrown under the bus now.
Who has filed
Grier Hopkins has filed to run for North Star Borough mayor. He was a Democrat House member and is a member of a hard-left political dynasty family in Fairbanks.
We’ve gotten word that Savannah Fletcher (Democrat, Fairbanks Assembly, 8-yr resident, and law partner of Marna Sanford) will probably also file for FNSB Mayor.
Qaiyaan Harcharek, Undeclared, filed a letter of intent to run for North Slope’s House District 40. He lists his job as a “Subsistence Reserch Coordinator at North Slope Borough.” [sic]
On the move

Here’s your Department of Interior principal deputy communication director, and senior spokesperson, Tyler Cherry, formerly with Arizona Democratic Party and Media Matters, a partisan leftwing organization.
Elizabeth Kubitz, former campaign manager and legislative aide to Democrat Sen. Matt Claman, is now the legislative liaison for the Dunleavy Administration’s Department of Commerce.
Former Rep. Lindsey Holmes is starting new position as Vice President and General Counsel at Nana North, a subsidiary of NANA Regional Corporation.
OneWeb, which serves rural Alaska, has merged with Eutelsat, to compete in the rapidly changing broadband via space. The company is headquartered in Paris.
Top speakers at the Alaska Federation of Natives conference on Oct. 19-21 at the Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center., include, Alaska Congressional delegation, Vanita Gupta (Associate Attorney General of the United States), Casey Sixkiller (Regional Administrator, U.S. EPA), U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, and many others.
Tara Riemer is stepping down as president and CEO of the Alaska SeaLife Center, after a 20-year career.
Planned Parenthood has endorsed Suzanne LaFrance for Anchorage mayor.
I appreciate all of the generous Alaskans who keep this project going!
Report: King County spent $70 million to house 803 people in 2022
The housing-first initiative in Washington, just like in Anchorage, is converting hotels into housing at taxpayers’ expense.
Sen. Patty Murray is second in line of succession for president
The line of succession after the president is the vice president (1), then the speaker of the House (vacant), then the Senate Pro Tempore, which is the role Sen. Patty Murray of Washington holds. With no speaker in the House, Murray is now second in line to the presidency.
Top Democrats in Alaska Legislature oppose Kroger-Albertsons merger
There were just a few Republicans that signed the letter to the FTC.
Homeland Security to construct border wall in Rio Grande Valley
The Biden Administration has done a 180 on this section of the border. Must be the election section.
Bidenomics: Inflation rose 9.2% in 2022 after rising 12.9% in 2021.
The cost of essentials like groceries, utilities and gas increased by 20% or more in the past two years. The cost of all items on the index increased by 13% in that time. You are feeling it in your pocketbook? You’re not alone!
Quote of the day
Hillary Clinton on CNN, in reference to Trump supporters: “Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”
USNS Bob Hope in Cook Inlet
The USNS Bob Hope, the lead ship of its class of vehicle cargo ships for United States Army vehicle prepositioning, has been roaming Cook Inlet, and was seen near Point Woronzof in Anchorage and anchored in Kachamak Bay at Homer. At 951 feet long, it is impressively dominant in the bay. More about the ship at this link.
Question of the week: You said no.
This day in history
Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the earth's first artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. The launch was a success and shocked the United States, which had hoped to accomplish this scientific advancement first.
Alex Gimarc: Solar energy in the Railbelt
Let’s be realistic, Alaska. There are about 2,000 solar panels connected to the Railbelt grid, producing perhaps 5% of the total energy of the three existing utility-scale solar farms statewide.
Daniel Smith: The truth about the most recent Anchorage elections
A look at the timeline for what happened with the vote tabulation procedures, and what should not have happened.
Jim Crawford: The people and the Permanent Fund
The state has strayed far away from the original plan for the Permanent Fund and the dividend. Now, more and more is going to government. It’s time to get back to basics.
Linda Boyle: You might be over Covid, but it’s not over you
It’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s already happening. Come on down to the Alaska Covid Alliance fall conference and find out what the World Health Organization and Big Pharma have in store for us.
Tim Barto: Rest in peace, Brooks Robinson, human vacuum cleaner
Brooks Robinson was the best-fielding third baseman of all time.
Alaska oil: $87.43
Henry Hub gas: $3.17
Alaska North Slope Production: 457,808
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $74,942,600,000
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