'Seattle is Dying' documentary was prophetic
And what's known about the Alaska congressional race for 2024?
Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
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Downing: ‘Seattle is Dying’ documentary was prophetic
They called the reporter a fraud and they called the documentary propaganda. But he was right, and it’s happened to other West Coast cities too.
Update: An aerial photo of Anchorage’s encampment at 3rd and Ingra sent in by a reader shows how badly the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness has failed:
Twitter v Facebook
Must Read Alaska is going to favor Twitter in coming weeks, because our Facebook account has been shadow-banned at Zuckerville. Somehow we managed to get on their “conservatives die here” list about a year ago. Facebook is forcing conservatives to pay in order to have their content delivered to anyone at all. It’s a racket.
Join us on free speech-loving Twitter.
Nick is making the rounds — is he up for another run?
Everyone is asking about Nick Begich — will he run for Congress? He flew to Washington D.C. last month and spent a week making the rounds, meeting with members of the House Republican majority. He gave a speech to a group in Fairbanks, another one in Juneau, and was an emcee at an event in the Mat-Su Valley. Word is he has been making the rounds, doing his due diligence and talking to potential consultants and campaign managers, as well as National Republican Congressional Committee officers to see if support is there for him to take on Rep. Peltola in 2024.
Nick’s support base has held strong, so he starts with 64,500 votes going into 2024, and statewide name recognition, should he choose to make another run at it.
Check in with www.mustreadalaska.com later today for lots more stories.
Russian MiG-31 jets operating off Alaska, one crashes into Pacific near Kamchatka Peninsula
A day before the crash, NORAD said that it had detected four Russian military aircraft operating in the ADIZ — the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone. It’s unclear if the two incidents are related.
Comings and goings
The Alaska Chamber is hiring a membership/office manager. The position would cover a wide range of responsibilities including day-to-day office operations, recruit and retain membership, assist in the management of events, and more. For a full description of this position or to apply, the job is posted here.
The Alaska State Fair has hired Jeff Curtis, who was CEO of the Portand Rose Festival from 2004 to 2022. He’s coming north from Portland, perhaps to escape the nightmare that city has become. Meanwhile, the Alaska State Fair’s former CDO Jerome Hurtel left Alaska this spring after eight years at the fair and is now the CEO of the Clay County Fair, in Iowa, where presidential candidates go to live or die and where the largest agricultural displays of any fair in the country are found.
In Southeast Alaska, this spring the new CEO of the Southeast Alaska State Fair resigned after controversy erupted over a drag queen show that will be part of the fair entertainment this year, per a decision of the fair board.
After one month on the job, Bev Kryder said the drag queen kerfuffle was just another indicator for her that Haines was not a good fit and she moved back to the Midwest.
Filed for office
Rebecca Himschoot filed for reelection to the Alaska House, for Sitka.
Free events
Irony alert: Alaskans for ‘Better’ Elections complains
Alaskans for Better Elections, the dark-money group that convinced Alaskans to approve open primaries and ranked choice voting, lodged a formal complaint with the Alaska Public Offices Commission Wednesday, accusing four organizations and two individuals of committing over two dozen violations of campaign finance laws.
Sen. Cotton to Secret Service: Tell us about the cocaine in the West Wing
Republican sent a list of questions to the head of the Secret Service who has kept most everything secret, except for what she wanted leaked, evidently.
Independence Day ruling says Biden cannot pressure social media
When the House of Representatives took this up in March, Alaska’s Rep. Mary Peltola voted with all the Democrats in favor of government censorship.
As Air Force obsesses over diversity, equity, it’s hurting recruitment
The U.S. Air Force has become focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts, and critics say Americans just aren’t joining. So much for '“inclusion.”
Question of the Week result
Quintillion update: Equipment on site, just waiting for ice to abate
The company said last week that all necessary resources, tools, and equipment are now in place to begin repairs, and workers are waiting for the abatement of ice.
Homer’s Fritz Creek Store burns
A beloved community gathering spot is gone. Lots of mail lost in the fire.
This day in history
July 7, 1981, Arizona Judge Sandra Day O'Connor was nominated by President Ronald Reagan to become the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Win Gruening: Juneau Assembly attempts ‘end run’ around voters
During a meeting on June 26, the City and Borough of Juneau Assembly set aside $50,000 to “advocate for and provide public information regarding the need for a new City Hall.” This, after voters said no just last year.
Joe Geldhof: Juneau Assembly out of touch with taxpayers
The current crop of Assembly members are millennial, not age-diverse, and lacks experience in the private sector. They’re all government and nonprofit types. This is not working well for Juneau.
Downing: They’re coming for your children
It was not a slip of the tongue. Per Marx and Engels, and now Biden and the Democrats, families are actually the root of the problem for the Left. Families must be dismantled so the state can take charge of the children.
Alex Gimarc: The Long Trail is like raw onion on a hamburger — keeps coming up
The considerable challenges are rights of way, eminent domain, and, of course, funding. It’s a project that started in 2006 and is being paid of piecemeal.
Alaska oil: $77.73
Henry Hub gas: $2.66
Alaska North Slope Production: 449,821
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $78,584,500,000
Must Read Alaska LLC | 200 W. 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503
Also Treads is online. Already reported that it is pushing conservatives out fast as the can. Notice this is same way 2020 started. Courts are really going to be busy. Thanks again Miss S for you service. Shannon’s Ire. Absolute Civil Security.
Yes. And it is feeding up to Alaska! Great read