August in the rearview
Question of the week: Are you willing to take the next Covid vaccine or not?
Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
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Whatever your day holds for you … Be a force for good …
Perseverance Theatre brings more trans shows to stage this fall
For some reason, the majority of theater coming out of Juneau these days is of queer-trans themes. The Juneau theater, under its current artistic directorship, continues to dominate the genre.
Trump’s 2024 will be busy: Trial on a Monday, followed by Super Tuesday
Is it election interference or is it just coincidence that the trial is the day before 15 states have their GOP caucuses?
Lacey Sanders is the new director of OMB
Who is Lacy Sanders? Gov. Dunleavy picks a successor for the budget office, his third OMB director in five years.
Sen. Kiehl poison-pill kills bill
Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoed a bill banning PFAS chemicals for firefighting in Alaska, which passed the Legislature. Democrat Sen. Jesse Kiehl inserted that language into another bill by Rep. Stanley Wright of Anchorage, essentially poisoning the entire bill.
PFAS are a type of synthetic chemicals found in many common items, such as the linings of fast-food boxes and non-stick pans and firefighting foam. The EPA says high concentrations of some PFAS may lead to adverse health effects.
Parade continues: Biden in Anchorage for Sept. 11 memorial at JBER
It’s not that Biden wants to have his Sept. 11 commemoration at JBER, but it is convenient for him since he will be stopping for gas on his way home. He simply can’t make it back to the East Coast from his trip to India/Vietnam, so JBER is convenient.
The Biden / Alaska campaign push continues with EPA chief Michael Regan, who said he is is very happy EPA throttled the Pebble Project, and HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, who is having a press conference with Sen. Dan Sullivan.
Man arrested for arson after historic Anchorage home set ablaze
He was a big man. He had a big pipe. Police subdued him and hauled him away to jail.
Small aircraft still missing en route to Ketchikan
The weather was lousy, with low clouds, and searchers have been hampered. No ELT beacon has been heard.
Comings and goings
Kat Sorensen will start as the Seward City Manager on Sept. 10, taking over from Acting City Manager Norm Regis. Jannette Bower resigned earlier this year to become city manager in Soldotna.
Daniel Decker is the new city clerk for the City of Dillingham.
Dale Marshall of Anchorage won the 2023 Alaska State Fair's Great Pumpkin contest with a gourd weight 2,023.5 pounds.
Should the excise tax structure change for cannabis in Alaska?
There are some pros and cons to changing it to a sales tax. The industry is suffering from so much competition that the margins are very …. marginal.
IRS can’t account for millions of taxpayer records, lawmakers say
The records, including personal information, have just gone missing. Great.
House Majority Leader Steve Scalise diagnosed with blood cancer
He says the cancer is treatable. Scalise is a fighter.
Miami Mayor Suarez ends presidential bid
He was a long shot, but at least he can tell the grandkids he once ran for president….and maybe next time?
Comment of the day
“It matters not what the tax structure is, for government will find a way to mismanage the money paid. Every time.” - Down to the Ground, commenting on “Should tax structure on cannabis be changed?”
Question of the Week: New vaccine coming for Covid…
This day in history
Aug. 30, 1963, a telephone hotline between the White House and the Kremlin was established.
David Boyle: Who really controls local schools?
We are told schools are under local control. But let’s take a look at the actual actors who are pushing the policies parents are finding so objectionable.
Downing’s Daily Caller: 19-year-old against sex changes for minors
Chloe is a stand-out among her generation, defying the transgender narrative.
Niki Tshibaka: A better way to commemorate anniversary of King’s dream
The speech is widely seen as a masterpiece for the ages. Love over hate, unity over division, forgiveness over bitterness, partnership over partisanship.
Murray Walsh: With a new city hall, what’s love got to do with it?
Fool me once, shame on you, says Walsh, of Juneau city bonds.
Alex Gimarc: Death by government in Maui are lessons for Alaska
The focus on climate change and equity are just part of the problem. The other is sheer government incompetence.
Jamie Allard: Superintendent fails a key test of leadership
Anchorage schools are failing our students, and Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt just failed them even more.
Linda Boyle: Parents, take time to learn about Covid shots for kids
Before you jump headlong into giving your child the newest shot on the block, read up about the real dangers of the shot, vs. the dangers of the illness for kids.
Alaska oil: $87.99
Henry Hub gas: $2.56
Alaska North Slope Production: 410,932
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $78,500,400,000
Must Read Alaska LLC | 200 W. 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503
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