Is the Willow Project the new Pebble?
Environmentalists, Democrats warn Biden of global catastrophe
Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
Destination Nome: The view from the NOAA weather camera at Nome, where Iditarod mushers are heading.
House Democrats may love Mary Peltola, but aren’t listening to her
A decision is expected this week, (probably not Monday.) Mary’s Democrat colleagues on the House Natural Resources Committee told The Big Guy to kill the Willow Project.
This is the map Sen. Dan Sullivan gave to the president on Friday
It shows all the damage Biden has done to Alaska’s economy in just two years. There are over 45 lockdowns by Biden in Alaska. Check out the list.
Downing in Daily Caller
Read Suzanne Downing’s weekly column in the Daily Caller: In this state, Democrats and Native groups are begging Biden to drill-baby-drill.
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Thank you to subscribers to the Must Read Alaska newsletter. This publication goes out to 35,500 people three times a week. We try harder at MRAK! Your support is what keeps news balanced in Alaska. Please share. - Suzanne
Monday poll
Reminder: No one sees how anyone votes in this straw poll.
A new 907 Question of the Week every Monday. Results on Friday.
How Alaska became fentanyl’s deadly frontier
An influx of fentanyl into Alaska in the last two years has vexed law enforcement, overwhelmed health systems and deeply affected Native communities.
Anchorage ombudsman admits he dropped out of school to smoke dope
And to drink cheap wine, but he says he is qualified. Out of the mouth of Darrel Hess, who stands in judgment of Mayor Dave Bronson.
Leaked memo: Biden Administration jacked up fees on Cook Inlet gas
Biden was warned that high fees would suppress energy independence but he did it anyway for global climate change goals.
Abortion wars: Walgreen backs down on kill-pill by mail
In states that ban feticide, Walgreen won’t mail the life-ending drug. The pills also won’t be mailed to Alaska customers, even though feticide is a woman’s right, according to our courts.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan in Anchorage; we hold media accountable
The keynote speaker at the Alaska Covid Alliance Conference in 2021 was Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese virologist who worked at a WHO lab in Hong Kong. She told Alaskans the virus came from a Chinese lab. Reporters laughed and laughed and laughed.
Fox report: Anchorage school librarian pushing porn into classrooms
The efforts of parent Jay McDonald are getting national attention. You can bet he is not welcome at school board meetings.
Marianne Williamson files for president, Larry Hogan is out
She is a new-age guru, and Hogan is a former governor of Maryland. Williamson thinks she can take Biden; Hogan thinks he cannot take Trump.
Tennessee law bans obscene performances for kids but…
Alaska Sen. Scott Kawasaki is not amused with the Volunteer State law.
Congressional Hockey Challenge: Alaska player Truman Reed is the star
Reed scored three goals, gave the assist on two, as Team Lawmakers beat Team Lobbyists 8-3, for the fifth consecutive Lawmakers win. This is a “Must Reed.”
Today in history
March 6, 1973, a special election was held to replace U.S. Representative Nick Begich, who had been killed in a plane accident. The choices: Emil Notti and Don Young. Young won with 35,044 votes (51.41%), to Notti’s 33,123 (48.59%).
Price of Alaska oil: $83.28
Price of Henry Hub gas: $3.01
Alaska North Slope Production: 487,320
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $77,470,700,000
Jamie Allard: Our girls shall not be erased by Hershey
Putting a trans woman on a candy bar wrapper to celebrate Women’s History Month is an offense against women. Rep. Jamie Allard says we must fight for women again.
Alexander Dolitsky: Will the past predict the future of U.S.-Russia relations?
The Lend-Lease Agreement was to fight the Nazi aggression in World War II. But then mistrust set in.
David Ignell: George is still in peril due to Office of Children’s Services
The writer has a cause and won’t stop until George is back at home with his mom. Will that happen?
Tim Barto: Encouraging someone to lie to get into the military is unethical, at the very least
When Rep. Andrew T. Gray told someone to lie on their application, he did the entire country a disservice, and he soiled his own good name.
Win Gruening: The legislature is going into some deep water with the retirement benefits
Promising public employees a guaranteed lifetime income upon retirement under this plan would introduce major financial risk to governments.
Rick Whitbeck: Rep. ‘GoFundMe Gray’ has a wild idea
We’ve heard some doozies from the Legislature before, but funding Alaska state government with a GoFundMe page has to take the cake.
Russell Biggs: Anchorage Assembly has passed 30+ emergency orders in three years
Is this what we face if we don’t change out this Assembly?
Take a video tour inside Alaska’s largest cold-weather shelter
It’s not a place most on the Anchorage Assembly have ever visited (they say it is unsafe), but you can tag along with John Quick as he videos the inside of the Sullivan Arena and talks to the people trying to help the homeless.
Mayor Dave Bronson, extending olive branch to Assembly
John Quick has a heart-to-heart with Anchorage’s mayor. Find out what the buzz is.
We’ve had 6,800 downloads of our podcast in the last 30 days. Our last few podcasts, available at any of your podcast providers:
Dorene Lorenz is a champion for all things historical
Rep. Gray is passionate about foster care, affordable housing, and potholes
Pastor Bob Roberts Jr. is an international peacemaker
Undercover Billionaire star & Tedx Talk Speaker RJ shares his life story
Rachel Ries is running for Anchorage Assembly seat 6
Gwen Adams is a modern day HERO
Rep. Jamie Allard of Eagle River is true to her word
Representative Ben Carpenter on budgets and audits
The Man, the Myth the Legend Pastor Dean Curry
Must Read Alaska LLC | 200 W. 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503