Sullivan's Alaska fundraiser ... with moose
Biggest electric bus company, maker of Juneau's lemon on wheels, goes Chapter 11

Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
Thanks for being an adventurous reader, a lover of Alaska, and a subscriber to Must Read Alaska. If you like getting this newsletter, please support it! And check for more news throughout the day. Read on…
Sen. Dan Sullivan fundraiser
Alaska Sen. Dan and Julie Sullivan were greeted by 200 friends and fans at a fundraiser on the Hillside on Tuesday. Everyone from the legendary Perry Green to the talented Amanda Coyne attended. Moose grazed on the back acre.
Poll: Sen. Dan Sullivan is among top 10 most admired
Morning Consult Pro, in their “by subscription only section,” reveals polling from every state, and we have the raw data for you.
Maria Cantwell fundraiser
A secretive fundraiser for Washington U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell took place in downtown Anchorage at Ginger in the back room on Tuesday. Cantwell was a big opponent of the North Slope Willow Project, saying in March: “Willow is not just about protecting the fragile Arctic and one of the world’s last great intact ecosystems, it’s about trying to stop runaway global warming from burdening future generations.” But yet, she flew all the way to Anchorage for a fundraiser with a big carbon footprint.
Chris Tuck fundraiser
About 100 people attended the fundraiser for Chris Tuck for Mayor at the Firetap Alehouse on Tuesday. Spotted: Les Gara, Elvi Gray-Jackson. But not Scott Kendall.
Mary is AWOL, as House committee meets in Alaska
Who knows where Rep. Mary Peltola has gotten off to, but her committee, the House Infrastructure and Transportation Committee, is meeting in Alaska. We hear she is somewhere off the grid, out of the country, or out of touch. Whatever the case, but she is putting the Recess into August Recess.
Governor declares disaster on the Mendenhall River
This is to bring resources, after at least eight structures have been condemned along the Mighty Mendenhall.
Weaponization of banking: Dr. Joseph Mercola de-banked
This is social credit scoring coming to America: One of the most famous doctors who challenged the Covid narrative has lost his banking privileges at the biggest bank in America, one that had no problem keeping Jeffrey Epstein’s bank account open after he was thrown in jail for pedophilia and trafficking.
Kenai passes ordinance to strengthen local election integrity
A variety of issues popped up during the February special election that the mayor and Assembly said needed to be addressed.
Biden digs deep: Grand Canyon is ‘ninth wonder of the world’
President Biden got all mixed up in his Arizona speech, as he designated a new national monument and eliminated the main source of uranium in America.
Elementary school teacher convicted on 14 counts of sexual felonies
There is a special place in hell for this guy, but first he will face sentencing in January.
Fifth Circuit rules against ATF in agency’s recent ban on pistol braces
The court sent the case back to a district judge for review, because of the likely unconstitutionality of the regulation by ATF, which is requiring people to register those accessory braces if they are attached to guns. (I’ll write later today on the ghost gun ruling).
Fire season in Lower Salcha River area prompts ‘GO!’ evacuation status
Cold spring meant the Interior fire season arrived late and it probably won’t last long, but there are some structures that are in the vicinity of one sizzler.
Sullivan: Navy names ship after Alaska Native SEAL Sol Atkinson
He was from Metlakatka and he joined the Navy SEALS, which is no small feat. Read about this American patriot from Alaska, who died in 2019 but lives on.
Drone conference today in Anchorage
“Global Autonomous Systems Conference, Trailblazing Autonomous Paths for a New World Economy.” The Universithy of Alaska’s drone conference takes place Aug. 9-11 at the Dena’ina Convention Center. Information here.
Filed for office
Kesslyn Tench filed for Denali Borough mayor
Rep. Dan Ortiz of Ketchikan filed for reelection

This day in history
Aug. 9, 1945, Nagasaki, Japan is destroyed when the USA dropped the atomic bomb called Fat Man. Thirty-five thousand people were killed outright, more dying later of the effects.
NTSB releases preliminary report with details of July helicopter crash near Wainwright
The flight satellite data shows the helicopter made one stop before crashing into the lake east of Wainwright. Photos of crash site but no details yet on cause.
Juneau’s first electric bus manufacturer files for bankruptcy
All the government you can afford in this era of electrification. Proterra made a lemon for Juneau, and a lot of other customers didn’t have any luck with those buses either. Now, the company is Chapter 11. Good luck getting parts.
Jesse Watters: “Taxpayers were funding Proterra, America’s biggest electric bus company, and now the money’s missing. The whole thing was a political pump and dump scheme and top Democrats were all involved.”
Federal judge puts thumb on scale against Alaska on ANWR development
U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason tells Alaska “Nyet” for moving ahead on permitting on the Coastal Plain.
Transportation Sec. Buttigieg to visit Kotzebue, Anchorage, Juneau
They’re burning the carbon to fly north. Summertime fishing-for-votes tour continues as the Biden Administration gets in all its trips to Alaska before fall.
Assistant Secretary of Health, transgenderism advocate visits Alaska
First stop: Identity Inc. The Biden Administration is fixated on how to transgender more youth, and Rachel Levine is the dude for the job.
Endangered bird’s nest shows up in condemned Fairbanks building?
Craig Compeau is a prankster extraordinaire. The owner of Compeau's, a Fairbanks powersports dealer of off-road vehicles and snow machines, Compeau pulled a great practical joke this week on Fairbanks Mayor David Pruhs. It involves a peregrine falcon, or three, to be exact.
Downing: Biden school rules target cherished rural American pastime
In The Daily Caller, a defense of the shooting sports.
Alex Gimarc: Sen. Lisa Murkowski beclowns herself on Trump
Her legal skills are poor but she is, at least, consistently wrong.
Win Gruening: Telephone Hill, an opportunity to redevelop right
The property belonged to the State of Alaska for years, then was transferred to the City and Borough of Juneau. The renters pay a fraction of the cost to keep it going. What to do next?
Alaska oil: $88.57
Henry Hub gas: $2.73
Alaska North Slope Production: 395,444
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $79,017,100,000
Must Read Alaska LLC | 200 W. 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503
Must expose any and all outside funds. Period.
By the way I did not know about the fundraiser? What just invite or open?
As usual you reports are right on point. Thanks