What went on at Alaska Covid summit?
And did a video catch security guards smoking fentanyl at Third and Ingra?
Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
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Whatever your day holds for you … Be a force for good …
Alaska Covid Alliance draws hundreds to hear from Dr. Peter McCullough
People came and stayed all day on Saturday, riveted by the program that gives a non-government side of Covid diagnosis and treatment options, a program that will be posted eventually on YouTube, we’re told. Our notes here.
AFN week starts with race-based basketball tourney
It’s the Alaska Federation of Natives annual convention this week in Anchorage, which includes the AFN Basketball Tournament, Oct. 17-20 at Alaska Pacific University. “This is an all Native tourney,” the sponsors say …Can you imagine if they said all-white, all-black, or all anything else?
Video: Wildlife Troopers give dog-paddling deer a lift in S.E. Alaska
As long as you don’t think about how the deer will be eaten by wolves, this is definitely your day dose of the feels.
Video: Did this camera catch security guard smoking fentanyl?
3rd Avenue Radicals claim that illegal drugs were used by people in a vehicle belonging to one of the leading security companies in Anchorage.
Anchorage Assemblyman Rivera featured by Socialist group
Felix Rivera was one of the guest speakers for the Party for Socialism and Liberation, but there’s even more to this story….
Grift-and-go: Former Rep. Liz Snyder is subject of APOC complaint
Snyder gave her hubby a cash gift after the 2018 campaign was over, from campaign war chest funds. Was it legal?
Biden Administration issues report panning the road to Ambler
Another reversal from the federal government. One of the problems the Biden BLM has is with it that it says a private road will not stay private.
Alaska delegation critiques BLM report on Ambler road
What our DC delegation said about the do-over by the Biden Administration on the Ambler Road EIS. All three made statements.
Dunleavy, 18 other GOP governors, make statement on Israel
In a letter to President Biden, governors said they support Israel’s right to peacefully exist. The letter was led by Gov. Kristi Noem.
On the move
Alaska Support Industry Alliance new board members: Roger Bock, Colville, Inc., Maria Bourne, Denali Universal Services, Udo Cassee, Nordic Calista, Chris Humphrey, EXP Energy Services, Inc.. Jessica Short, Brenntag Pacific, Inc. The Board President is Liam Zsolt, ASRC Energy Services. Jeff Baker, Michael Baker International, was elected vice president of government affairs and president-elect.
I appreciate all of the generous Alaskans who keep this conservative project going!
Follow the money to see why this man is targeted by Alaska Democrats
Ole Larson, a conservative on the Mat-Su School Board, has drawn the attention of the ADP, which is putting a full-court press on to try to flip the board in the Mat-Su.
Military readiness? Majority of enlisted personnel are overweight
Study shows the military, like all of America these days, has an epidemic of obesity.
REI laying off 275 as unions take over store by store
The unions don’t seem to understand the cause and effect of their collective action. But REI is also too woke to say anything, as it moves jobs to A.I.
Biden takes time to wish George Floyd happy birthday
Biden made George Floyd a hero, forgetting all the evil he did before he died at the hands of a cop.
Question of the week
Quote of the day
This day in history
Oct. 16, 1793, Marie Antoinette, queen of France, was beheaded.
Downing: With Biden, Hamas, Iran, actions speak louder than words
Biden has weakened America to the point to where when he says he’s got Israel’s back, no one takes him seriously.
Brenda Josephson: Haines, we have a problem
The assessments on properties is crazy in this little town, where if you lived here, they’d not only know your name, they’d know about that illegal mother-in-law accessory unit you built.
Win Gruening: Election alternative for Juneau — more transparency
When the Assembly unilaterally imposed vote by mail on Juneau’s electorate, it was justified as an improvement over traditional voting that would expand voting choices, make it easier to vote, and increase turnout. In fact, it has done just the opposite.
Sarah Vance: Strengthening ties and standing against discrimination
Alaska possesses a unique opportunity to stand firmly against discrimination by adopting the Israel Anti-Discrimination Act (HB 2) and affirm our alliance with Israel.
Alaska oil: $92.25
Henry Hub gas: $3.24
Alaska North Slope Production: 458,073
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $75,939,300,000
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