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Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska!
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Race weather:
Anchorage and Campbell Airstrip
Yentna*, Skwentna, Finger Lake*, Rainy Pass*, Rohn*
The smallest field of racers in Iditarod history will defy the “woke” war against the race. Just 33 will start this Saturday, one fewer than the first race in 1973.
Juneau - Legislators are heading for the airport, and most Friday committee meetings in the Capitol are canceled as there is a big race to attend starting Saturday and Sunday in Southcentral. Technical floor sessions only.
At war over Willow: Alaskans go to DC to plead for permit
They went to the nation’s center of government to see about a little permit. But the odds are against them, as the environmentalists control the White House now. What to expect.
On the other hand
A protest against Willow will take place at the White House at 2 pm, and there are millions of signatures on 141 petitions opposing the project. More later today at
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Thank you to everyone who subscribes to the Must Read Alaska newsletter. This publication goes out to 35,500 people three times a week. We try harder at MRAK! Your support is what keeps news balanced in Alaska. Please share. - Suzanne
Results for Monday’s poll
Reminder: No one sees how anyone votes in this straw poll.
On Monday we will have a new 907 Question of the Week.
Anchorage Assembly to take public testimony on family leave plan
The Assembly may not listen on March 7, but they will take testimony. They must fake it as they go through the process.
Members the Teen Council testify for sex education in Senate Education.
Senate Bill 43 would mandate science-based sex education
We’ve seen what schools are doing to kids. Now, senators want to order them to teach sex content to kindergarteners. What can possibly go wrong?
Tagish the Tug heads to a scrapyard
It was raised from the drink in Gastineau Channel and placed in pieces onto a barge. A sad ending to historic old boat.
Senate votes to reverse ‘climate first’ investment rule
Biden mades climate into the client, not the Americans who worked and sweated to save their money for retirement. Father Biden knows best.
Conduct unbecoming: Rep. Andrew Gray encouraged a felony
He told someone to lie to get into the military. And he’s proud of it. We have the tape.
Racist! Assembly members, who are paid, demand resignation of a volunteer
The Anchorage Assembly continues to call everyone it disagrees with “racist.” They don’t seem to tire of the antics.
Rep. David Eastman asks where the girls with Down syndrome have gone
He answers with the concept that disability and abortion are connected, and he brings the receipts.
Today in history
1849 US Home Department established by Congress, (later renamed the Department of the Interior)
1863, Idaho Territory forms
1871, US Congress changes Indian tribes status from independent to dependent
1885, US Congress passes Indian Appropriations Act (Indians wards of federal government)
1913, First Territorial Legislature of Alaska met for the first time
Price of Alaska oil: $81.24
Price of Henry Hub gas: $2.77
Alaska North Slope Production: 487,979
Permanent Fund (principal and earnings reserve): $77,416,500,000
Win Gruening: The legislature is going into some deep water with the retirement benefits
Some legislators and employee unions are promoting the idea of reintroducing an expensive legacy state pension plan in hopes this will magically fix the problem. But promising public employees a guaranteed lifetime income upon retirement under this plan would introduce major financial risk to governments.
Rick Whitbeck: Rep. ‘GoFundMe Gray’ has a wild idea
We’ve heard some doozies from the Legislature before, but funding Alaska state government with a GoFundMe page has to take the cake.
Russell Biggs: Anchorage Assembly has passed 30+ emergency orders in three years
Is this what we face if we don’t change out this Assembly?
Tim Barto: Details are what separate men from women
Some humor to start your day about how women are different.
Bob Bird: Treaties and the U.S. Constitution
Biden is negotiating a deal with the World Health Organization through an “executive agreement” over health powers that would have America submit to the dictates of global “health” bureaucrats.
Steve Goreham: Green energy is the greatest wealth transfer in history — to the rich
The poor and middle class pay for green energy programs with higher taxes and higher electricity and energy costs. Guest columnist Steve Goreham explains
Take a video tour inside Alaska’s largest cold-weather shelter
It’s not a place most on the Anchorage Assembly have ever visited (they say it is unsafe), but you can tag along with John Quick as he videos the inside of the Sullivan Arena and talks to the people trying to help the homeless.
Mayor Dave Bronson, extending olive branch to Assembly
John Quick has a heart-to-heart with Anchorage’s mayor. Find out what the buzz is.
We’ve had 6,000 downloads of our podcast in the last 30 days. Our last few podcasts, available at any of your podcast providers:
Dorene Lorenz is a champion for all things historical
Rep. Gray is passionate about foster care, affordable housing, and potholes
Pastor Bob Roberts Jr. is an international peacemaker
Undercover Billionaire star & Tedx Talk Speaker RJ shares his life story
Rachel Ries is running for Anchorage Assembly seat 6
Gwen Adams is a modern day HERO
Rep. Jamie Allard of Eagle River is true to her word
Representative Ben Carpenter on budgets and audits
The Man, the Myth the Legend Pastor Dean Curry
Must Read Alaska LLC | 200 W. 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage, AK 99503